Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Night Shot - Vivid mode

30 seconds, ISO3200, F/22 Vivid mode on the setting, Same deck at my home. 8.56pm

Night Shot - Vivid mode

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55 seconds and counting...

This is a 55 second exposure off the deck of my home. The time i took the pic was 8.17pm. It is a cloudy night and not as much light as was in the other pic. The ISO speed was 3200 and F/22. I am getting very close to the look i want. It is just hard to hold the button down as this was in the BULB mode.

More Night Shots

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New Internet Setup...

We bought a new Router and Wireless card for the home setup this weekend. I have used Linksys routers for over 6 years and have 3 of them now. I have a very old 4-port BEFSR41, and Wireless BEFW11S4 (B Band)and now the Wireless-N Home RouterWRT150N. I disconnected both of the old ones and hooked the new one up. Very easy setup for it.

  • Internet-sharing Router and 4-port Switch, with a built in speed and range enhanced Wireless Access Point
  • MIMO technology uses multiple radios to create a robust signal that travels up to 3 times farther and reduces dead spots
  • Up to 9 times faster than Wireless-G, but also works great with Wireless-G and -B devices
  • Wireless signals protected by wireless encryption, and your network protected from
I am very impressed with the ease in which it set up compared to the old B-Band which i had many problems with. We also purchased a new Wireless-N USB Network Adapter.
  • High-speed Wireless-N (draft 802.11n) networking for your desktop or notebook computer
  • MIMO technology uses multiple radios to create a robust signal that travels up to 4 times farther and reduces dead spots
  • Up to 12 times faster than Wireless-G, but can also connect to Wireless-G and -B networks
  • Wireless transmissions protected by up to 256-bit encryption

This was a dream to set up!! The security feature on the router and wireless adapter was incredible easy!!

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Japan File Sharing Disconnects...From SlashDot



| Japanese ISPs To Cut Net Access For File Sharers                   |

|   from the would-be-nice-to-surf-the-net dept.                     |

|   posted by Zonk on Sunday March 16, @05:28 (Communications)       |

|   http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/03/15/2243235         |



[0]modemac writes "Four major Japanese telecom organizations, which represent 'about 1,000 major and smaller' domestic ISPs, have [1]agreed to forcibly cut the Internet connection of filesharers. They're specifically targeting users of the 'Winny' program, trading copied gaming software and music. The article states that a new set of ISP guidelines will be drawn up on how to cut off users who 'leak illegally copied material onto the Net.'"


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    0. http://www.modemac.com/

    1. http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/national/20080315TDY01305.htm




You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Over Expouser

Over Expouser, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

I set the exposure time to 30 seconds. It is my first attempt. I took it in my back yard. The ISO speed was at 3200.

My New SLR Camera

We just went to Ritz Camera and purchased the Sony A-200 today. It is a 10.2 mega pixel with an 18-70mm zoom lens. It has a 3200ISO speed!! I also got a 2 gig compact flash card for the unit. I hope to during the summer to get a 75-300mm zoom lens.

Here are a few pics of the lake i took today.

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Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...