Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jasper High School Band 1991

This was my high school. I graduated in 1989 so i am not in this video, but you get the gist of it. I played drums, bass drum to be exact.

FLIR Fart - FLIR GasFindIR camera

Please be careful when you expel gas. You never know who or what is watching you when you do it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Total Lunar Eclipse

As reported by NASA:

The Sun goes down. The Moon comes up. You go out and look at the sky. Observing the eclipse is that easy. Maximum eclipse, and maximum beauty, occurs at 10:26 pm EST (7:26 pm PST).

see caption

Above: A preview of the Feb. 20th lunar eclipse created by graphic artist Larry Koehn. Click on the links to view labels for other time zones: GMT, AST, EST, CST, MST, PST, Alaska, Hawaii.

A lunar eclipse happens when the Moon passes through the shadow of Earth. You might expect the Moon to grow even more ashen than usual, but in fact it transforms into an orb of vivid red.

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!

HD-DVD and Blu-Ray DVD

We all knew knew that this was going to happen and Sony won the format war. Toshiba threw in the towel and took HD-DVD off the market today as reported by most major news.

The format war, often compared to the Betamax-VHS battle in the 1980s and then Sony's venture into the Mini-Disc products. I found them to be excellent but the support for them did not happen when the MP3 revolution took the public by storm.

Hollywood studios had initially split their alliances between the two camps, meaning only certain films would play on any one DVD machine and that hurt both of the companies in the beginning.

In addition to Wal-Mart, consumer electronics chain Best Buy and online video rental company Netflix Inc also recently signed up to the Blu-ray camp.

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!

Monday, February 18, 2008

My new book!

I started it today... Taken with my LGVX8600 phone.
From RMStringer

Thought for the day...

'The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true science' Albert Einstein Posted via my LGVX8600 phone.
From RMStringer

Sunday, February 17, 2008

House, Nursing Assistant!

Thanks to Mac for letting me publish this article. 

House, Nursing Assistant


House is a reasonably intelligent television show featuring the eponymous lead as a Byronic hero who is never sacked despite his drug abuse, ill manners, television watching, and video gaming, all on the job, because he develops brilliant solutions to apparently impossible medical problems. 


Where House breaks down is its unreality, which is not a criticism because this is a television show.  In House the few nurses do things on computer screens and are never seen giving patient care.  Patients suffer seizures or coronary occlusions only when a team of physicians happens to be in the room.  The hospital in which House works has no admissions staff, nursing assistants, cleaner-uppers, security guards, or bulletin boards.  Each fictional doctor enjoys a spacious, glass-walled office which any real-life physician can only envy, and when said physician needs a crash cart, a suture tray, or a specific medicine it is immediately available.


What if House were more like a real hospital?


House, Nursing Assistant.  House is fired for having a drug problem, even though he saves lives.


House, Pharmacist.  House is fired for being rude, although he saves lives.


House, Cleaning Staff.  House is fired for pausing thirty seconds to watch a bit of soap opera on a patient's television while tidying his fiftieth or so room of his shift, even though skilled and science-based hygiene and maintenance save lives.


House, Hospital Security.  House, after wrestling with drunks most of his shift, is fired for playing a video game on his watch at four in the morning although his presence in a creepy world saves lives.


House, R.N.  House, after helping deliver a baby in E.R., giving resuscitation to a heart-attack victim, getting coughed on by 'flu patients, barfed on by someone with food poisoning, and supervising the care of dozens of other patients, all without lunch or even a potty break, is fired for telling an career FEMA recipient complaining about the formaldehyde in his free trailer that he doesn't even know what formaldehyde is and why doesn't he just open the windows if he doesn't like the new-car smell?


House, Admissions Clerk.  House, after years of loyal service to the same hospital doing his part to help save lives, is fired for not learning Spanish rapidly enough.


Short season, huh?  And now, back to Flipping Homezillas Off the Island.




Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...