Thursday, September 06, 2007

More OBX Pics...

I took this pic of the water tower in Duck, NC while we were eating at the restaurant in the bottom picture. The restaurant is called Fishbones Sunset Grill and it had very good food!

I took a series of sunset pics with my Cybershot and Cam Phone as you have seen in previous posts.

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Music Memories...

Isn’t it funny how certain songs can tie you to a time period or person? The other day I was driving down the road listening to a band called Revenge. The song was called "State Of Shock" and it was a new version released on an album called "One True Passion V2.0" I have the original version called "One True Passion" and the next album called "Gun World Porn" that the song came from. Any way, I am rambling with back information.

So, anyway, I was driving down the road and was listening to the song and it reminded me of when I lived in Nacogdoches Texas in Wind Hill apartments. I had a friend, Jason Rhame, and he loved that song and we would play the hell out of it all the time. He moved away as did I and we kept in touch for several years and then we lost touch. I moved around a little and so did he. Well, I decided to try to find him and I tried to get his parents number in Nacogdoches and called them, no answer, so I went to and did a search for his name and I found it in Houston.

There were several of the name. I called a few and left messages to call me and low and behold I received a call last week from him!! It was good to hear from an old friend from long ago and to catch up on recent times. We talk about once a week and are going to keep up with each other. It is just funny how music can spark memories of events and time…

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!

Sun through trees.

I took this from work in parkinglot b4 work @ 6.20pm

A day is ending for some.

The sun is setting in the west

My speed

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Mack: The Photocopier Squeals

This kind of relates to my last 2 posts about the end of summer and the returning to school for the kind.  My many thanks to Mac Hall for letting me post this. 
The Office Photocopier Squeals
The office photocopier can be a marvelous source of wisdom as well as of trivia. Sometimes one clears the scanner glass and learns what joys and revelations a fellowship / church / ministry / outreach / under the inspired leadership of Reverend Doctor Bishop Brother So-and-So has planned for the next Sunday.
Our lesson for today, however, is taken from a science quiz, the original of which was left in The Machine that knows all.  Here are some of the many connected bits of knowledge our tenth-graders are expected to master systematically: 
What substance releases hydroxide ions in solution?
What category of elements makes up Group 2 in the Periodic Table?
What are single-celled prokaryotes, organisms that lack a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles?
Define abiotic factors.
What is the biological mass in an ecosystem called?
What is a form of asexual reproduction in which the genetic material of the cell is copies and then the cell simply divides in two, forming two identical daughter cells?
What chemical substance slows or prevents the growth of bacterial microorganisms?
How many thanks do we owe Sister Thus-and-Such for playing the piano…wait…wrong document…
I conclude by making my own modest contribution: What is the predominant meter in Garth Brooks' "Friends in Low Places?"
A. Iambic pentameter
B. Trochee
C. Anapest
D. Budapest
For us parents the most important question in September is this: do our children have a set place and time for study?  Is their need to work to improve themselves respected by all in the household?  Do they have a quiet corner and good sturdy table at which to work?  A desk lamp?  Pens and pencils and calculator and paper?  A few basic reference books, beginning with an ordinary dictionary?
After all, life is not entirely about drunken movie starlets named after geographical features.
I would never wear someone else's name or likeness on my clothing, even if I weren't the man I admire most.


Blog Problems...

I am having trouble logging in to my blog tonight from work.  It will be a problem for em to get a post out other than a text post. i hope that this problem corrects itself soon.
Thank you,

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...