Tuesday, December 28, 2021

You Have A Future In The Past (MK3 Mix)

New Music done on the Maschine MK3! Trying to use a different sound set.. Sequis - Dirty Dobro ARKHIS - Old Tails Noire Piano - Strummer Ashlight - Angel Fall #RenigadeCineTrax #AmbientACIDShow Composer/Author DJ RENIGADE 1088695008 ASCAP

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

New Music Underway!!!

Some of the Native Instruments that I am using in my new track!!! “The Savage Brought Salvation” #RenigadeCineTrax #Cakewalk #Maschine #Kontakt

If you want to Purchase any of my music[s], Please go to https://djrenigade.bandcamp.com/

Saturday, July 10, 2021

#AmbientACIDShow MK3s01e06 Industrial Beats!!!

#AmbientACIDShow MK3s01e06 Industrial Beats!!!

Drum beats created on mK3 using RAW Voltage. This has become the basis for a new track as you can see at the end of the video in Cakewalk.


Sunday, May 16, 2021

RenigadeCineTrax Album Covers

If you want to Purchase any of my music[s], Please go to https://djrenigade.bandcamp.com/
Me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/djrenigade ! Go check it out!
Dj Renigade MERCH!!!  https://shop.spreadshirt.com/code5-gaming-stuff/all


In The Sky [MK3 Mix]

If you want to Purchase any of my musics, Please go to https://djrenigade.bandcamp.com/

 Have you heard ‘In The Sky [MK3 Mix]wav’ by DjRenigade on #Bandcamp #RemigadeCineTrax #ASCAP #Indietronica 
 All made on the NI Maschine MK3! FX: EQ Instruments: 
1 Drums[128] Kids 
2 Drums[128] Industriality 
3 Drums[130] Boulers 5 
4 Drums[131] Galleries 7 
5 Drums[134] Plopper 
6 Drums[140] BulldogRiddim 
7 Drums[140] MasterRoshi 3 
8 Guitar[80] Stratosphere 
9 Guitar[98] B Unfaithful 
10 Guitar[100] Stoners 
11 Guitar[104] A Stoners 1 
12 Guitar[135] C Minted 
13 GuitarLick[70] C GuitarSlim 1 
14 Lead[118] Mainline 
15 Guitar[118] G# PostHour 
16 Guitar[140] C GuitarSlim2


Thursday, May 13, 2021

#AmbientACIDShow MK3s01e01

Its All ABOUT the Native Instruments Maschine MK3!!
#RenigadeCineTrax #TredwayStudios

Dj Renigade MERCH!!!

In Case You Didn't Feel Like Showing Up Live!!!

Friday, May 07, 2021

The Kind Of Dark That Haunts

If you want to Purchase any of my musics, Please go to https://djrenigade.bandcamp.com/ #RenigadeCineTrax #TredwayStudios Go check it out! https://www.twitch.tv/djrenigade !

Monday, May 03, 2021

#AmbientACIDShow s01e20.2

https://djrenigade.bandcamp.com/  #RenigadeCineTrax #TredwayStudios

https://www.twitch.tv/djrenigade ! Go check it out!
#RenigadeCineTrax #TreadwayStudios

#AmbientACIDShow s01e19.1

Friday, April 16, 2021

If you want to Purchase any of my musics, Please go to https://djrenigade.bandcamp.com/

Tube Emulation
N-Type Console
PC76 U-Type Compressor
Breverb2 [Wash 80s90s ver 1]
BPM:  60

1  PD_Subtle 
3  -~BASS rs
4  CybTrAp4rs
In Box

Korg Wavestate:
Distortion Paradise
In Box

Behringer TD3
Ptrn 4 [8 steps]

Behringer D
Wicked 01

Kurzweil 2000:
Slipping Away
PC4k  S-Type Side Chain

TomBak Bass
2 SD1 Fella
4 Anasine
5 Typical
7 Snowy
In Box

East-Tex Freeway 3/20/21
Sinematic - Sub Sonic Bass Drop 15

Other Gear:
Zoom HS5
Yamaha Hs8
Behringer Pro 1
Mackie Mix12fx
Behringer Neutron
Maximal Drone Box
Motu Audio Express
VModa Crossfade LP2
Hosa SLW-333 Switcher
Audio-Technica ATH-M50x
Moog Etherwave Theremin

C&P Treadway Studios

#AmbientACIDShow s01e18.5

Saturday, April 10, 2021

#AmbientACIDShow s01e18.4

In Case You Didn't Feel Like Showing Up Live!! The God Fractal DjRenigade.BandCamp.Com #TredwayStudios

Sunday, March 28, 2021

#AmbientACIDShow s01e18.1

The God Fractal In Case You Didn't Feel Like Showing Up Live!! New Project and Sound Making. Started with Dj Renigade - Project 50

Saturday, March 20, 2021

#AmbientACIDShow s01e17

1 shot LIVE recording streamed live on Twitch from Treadway Studios located in Beaumont Texas. Pops and Click in music are from LIVE recording. 

A Constant State Of Passing [Live]
Treadway Studios/RenigadeCineTrax/#AmbientACIDShow
C&P 20021 Treadway Studios

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

#AmbientACIDShow s01e14

In Case You Didn't Feel Like Showing Up Live!!! "What Lies Below" Wavestate and VirusTi2 with different reverb. new arp added!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

#AmbientACIDShow s001e11

#AmbientACIDShow s01e11
In Case You Didn't Feel Like Showing Up Live!!!
Back working on Quantum DeCoherence About 11 hours into the track so far. Changed some sounds on Virus and Wavestate. Using Spaced Out by Baby Audio as FX

Friday, February 12, 2021

#AmbientACIDShow s01e10

The Sound Of Inevitability [More production] In Case You Didn't Feel Like Showing up Live!!! Putting the finishing touches on the track!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

New LCD K2000VX

So today I changed my kurzweil2000vx screen out to a new custom lcd. Took me about 1 hour to pull out the mobo and connect the new screen. .
7 screws on back case. The mobo had like 16 screws. You had to gently flip it over and set it on towels to not damage the components. It is 2 boards on a copper plate. Minimal cables had to be disconnected. You have to unhook a ground from xformer though and make sure it is reconnected!
The screen had a power cable and 4 screws with a ribbon cable. Unhook and remove. New screen had I ribbon cable and 2 adjustable pots on cables. No power needed for upgraded screen.
The blue adjustable pots are for contrast and backlighting of new screen. Set to desired contrast. This was the hardest part for me to get right. It is set it and forget it but you have to partially reassemble the case and let the wires hang out with unit powered on to get the right adjustments made.
I ordered the new screen on eBay from a guy in UK. Total with shipping was about 150$. He custom builds them in either black on white or blue on white. You tell him what you prefer.

If you want to Purchase any of my musics, Please go to https://djrenigade.bandcamp.com/

Friday, January 15, 2021

#AmbientACIDShow s01e05

In Case you Didn't feel like Showing up Live!! #AmbientAcidShow #TreadwayStudios

Monday, January 04, 2021

You've Got To Burn To Shine[ Triphop Virus Mix]

Check Out my Newest Track!! #NewMusic #TreadwayStudios #AmbientACID #RenigadeCineTrax

If you want to Purchase any of my musics, Please go to https://djrenigade.bandcamp.com/

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...