Thursday, March 09, 2006

My Wife and Child...

They have gone back to Texas to see her sister get married, I will miss them, but I think that this time apart will be good for us….




What have I done

What lies I have told

I've played games with the ones that

rescued my soul

Oh, have I come to the point where I'm losing the grip

Or is it still time to get into

The swing of things  - A - Ha   1986


Nice Site to go and look at.

GO to Last FM and you will see my Winamp Playlist of music as I play it. It is very neat and cool site. IT ranks music and gives all kinds of Stats about the song, group and the links.




You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Max Ehrmann, "Desiderata"


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Bob's Thoughts

Bob si pissed off and damm proud of it...

I am coming to the conclusion that this “great Land” of ours is nothing more than a sell out country to all the foreigners. Just like the ploy of the united Arid Emirates to purchase and run 6 of our ports, all companies want to see out to foreign powers. 95% of all telemarketers that call my house are from a damm call center in India. It is nice to get a person that is from Amerika on the phone to say no to. WTF are we doing with our country? Babylon indeed…
It would seem that the MTV generation doesn’t know their ass from a whole I the ground. Sell, Sell, Sell, export, export, till we are nothing more than a conglomerate of poor, broken, non-Amerikan land masses that are no better than Zimbabwe or Iraq. Where has our national pride gone, they way of 9-11? IT looked like we were going to rebound from that, but I guess not if we continue to sell out to the whole fraking world. We should close our borders and worry about us instead of everyone else. The commercials for the Christian children fund say it all, although, they should say it about Amerika instead of some 3rd world place. We have poor and people starving, except you don’t fraking Sally Struthers saying lets help our poor, hungry children starving. No, just central and south Amerika. If we can’t help ourselves, then how can we help or be expected to help the rest of the world. Our pride will be our undoing..

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bob's Thoughts

Bob's Thoughts
3.7.2006 It has been a few months since I posted...
WE are getting settled into our new life in VA, it is like our 4th new life in as many years. I am looking for employment as usual. Sondra is doing her thing in her new position. I purchased William Orbits new album the other day and it is very good. Some friends of ours came down from Massachusetts to visit us the other weekend and now, they want to move to Virginia. That would/will be cool, we love them to death and they are so fun. They are big into My Space off MSN. We are going to go and see Nine Inch Nails on March 14th and then at the end of the month, I am going to go see the ORB in DC!!! So all in all, good month for concerts.

I do not have my website up and running as I have no server space, but I hope to get it back up and running soon...

Well, I gots to go and will chat at cha l8ter...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Bob's ThoughtsAnother Move....

Bob's ThoughtsIt has been awhile since i last posted. we now live in Virginia and i will not give out the town for security sakes. We have a new house and a nice neighborhood and we are trying to make new friends. We went home for the Holidays and all got sick. i have bronchitius and Chel has a sinus infection. Sondra has what i have. Sucks, we more later.


Juicy Fruiter

I love you blog. We just relocated from Massachusetts to the Richmond area. Me, my wife and daughter. here is my web address: The picture is of our old house and i have not placed new photos of our new one on it. Enjoy and email me and we might be able to meet and chat as i have no friends here in the area, male friends. i know a few people through my wife's company, but not good friends. i live to ski and stuff like that.


I have been reading your BLOG and i like it. We have just recently moved to the Richmone area. WOW. I love it here. We relocated from Massachusetts and what a change for the better. Email me at and perhaps we can meet and chat. My old web address is in Mass. I have not updated the pics of our new house. I am married with a daughter. I like you site.

Take A Face From The Ancient Gallery Original Mix videoclip

Release Title: Take A Face From The Ancient Gallery Release Date: 29 Apr 24 Artists: Ambient Massive Cat no: 2024-03AM Genre: Ambient Tags: ...